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Tag: La Casa De Los Famosos

El Efecto Nicola Porcella – Presentando Al Novio De Mexico

To read the English version of this article, click here. Recordatorio rápido de que nada bueno puede surgir del desplazamiento nocturno en TikTok. En un momento te ríes de un video tonto y al siguiente descargaste una VPN, obtuviste una suscripción a un servicio de transmisión mexicano y te quedas despierto hasta las 3 a.m. […]

The Nicola Porcella Effect – Introducing Mexico’s Boyfriend

Para leer la version en Español, presiona aqui. Quick reminder that nothing good can come from late night scrolling on TikTok. One minute you’re laughing at a silly video and the next you’ve downloaded a VPN, gotten a subscription to a Mexican streaming service and are staying up until 3AM watching a 24/7 livestream. Not […]

Wendy Guevara Makes History in Mexico

Wendy Guevara has spent the last 71 days of her life isolated in a house with what started as 14 other people, who came from all over Latin America and Spain, and who slowly dwindled down to five finalists. It was Mexico’s version of Celebrity Big Brother and a phenomenon that nobody expected. When the […]